Home ยป Mobile Site Tester: Using Real Devices vs Emulators

Mobile Site Tester: Using Real Devices vs Emulators

Mobile Site Tester

Deciding to employ emulators or real devices as mobile site tester has a big impact on user experience and performance. Depending on the project limitations and testing requirements, each approach has a different set of benefits.

The key to selecting a mobile site testing solution is deciding between emulators and real devices. Although real devices offer a superb balance of features and benefits, there is a price associated with them. However, there are drawbacks to using mobile emulators, even though they can also be useful and offer testers and developers special advantages.

A testing process that maintains a balance between reality and practicality will ultimately decide whether real devices or emulators are being utilized. Emulators offer scalability and flexibility, but actual devices offer incomparable authenticity. To ensure thorough and efficient mobile site testing, the final decision should be made based on the project schedule, resource availability, and unique testing objectives.

As emulators are dependent on software, they can be delivered more quickly than actual equipment. They also make test automation and parallel testing possible through additional frameworks.

This article explores the subject of mobile site testers in greater detail, covering the kinds of tests they perform, the advantages and disadvantages of testing on emulators versus real devices, a comparison of the two forms of testing, and when to employ each.

Understanding about mobile site tester

A mobile site tester needs to verify that the websites are flexible and simple to use on a range of mobile devices. Their main duty is to do thorough testing to identify and address any issues that can risk a website’s functioning, usability, or compatibility with a variety of gadgets, including tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices.

An essential component of a mobile site tester work is:

  • Functionality testing: Ensuring that the website’s features and capabilities are all compatible with mobile devices. This covers forms, multimedia material, interactive components, and navigation.
  • Compatibility testing: It’s important to test a website’s compatibility to make sure it works properly across a range of mobile operating systems and browsers, including iOS, Android, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. To deal with differences in screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware capabilities, testing across a range of device types is essential.
  • Performance testing: To manage user interactions and load pages rapidly performance testing is used to assess the responsiveness, speed, and capacity of the mobile website. Enhancing the user experience and website loading speed is made possible through performance testing.
  • Usability testing: Assessing the website from the viewpoint of the user to make sure it is simple to use and navigate on mobile devices. This entails evaluating touch gesture efficacy, text and image readable quality, and accessibility.
  • Security testing: Security testing is the process of finding and fixing security flaws that can jeopardize the information on a website or the privacy of users on mobile devices.

Types of mobile device testing solutions by a mobile site tester

To ensure the quality and performance of sites on mobile devices mobile site tester makes use of numerous testing tools and solutions. Below are some types of mobile device testing solutions that are very commonly used by different mobile site tester:

Real devices testing

Directly testing on different physical mobile devices such as smartphones, and tablets to simulate real-world user interactions and also to ensure accurate performance under actual hardware conditions.

Authentic testing equipment is real, tangible equipment that supports a particular testing environment. To identify bugs, testers utilize these gadgets in the same way as an end user would. By simply deploying the application and using a test automation framework such as Selenium for the web or Appium for mobile to automate interactions, it is also possible to run automated test scripts on these devices.

Teams are responsible for setting up as many devices as the environments they wish to test on since the test environment is typically the real testing device.

Advantages of real device testing

There are various benefits to real device testing, which tests websites or software programs on real hardware as opposed to emulators or simulators. They are:

  • Accurate representation: Hardware variances such as screen sizes, resolutions, and CPUs and software configurations like operating system versions and device-specific applications are accurately reflected in real devices’ representation of the actual user experience.
  • Real-World conditions: Testing on actual hardware enables the simulation of real-world circumstances that can impact the usability and performance of apps, such as network hiccups, battery life, and environmental variables.
  • Behavior accuracy: In terms of touch sensitivity, gestures, and hardware interactions, real devices frequently behave differently from emulators or simulations. Accurate assessment of these behaviors is ensured by testing on actual devices.
  • Performance testing: To optimize app performance, real devices offer more precise performance measurements, such as CPU utilization, memory usage, and reaction times.
  • Hardware-Specific problems: Owing to quirks in the hardware, some problems may only appear on particular devices (e.g., camera integration, GPS functionality). Real-world device testing aids in locating and resolving these device-specific problems.

Disadvantages of real device testing

Although real device testing has numerous benefits, it also has drawbacks and difficulties of its own:

  • Cost: Maintaining up with a wide variety of genuine gadgets can be costly, especially in light of how frequently new models and updates are released. This cost covers not only the initial purchase of the gadgets but also their upkeep and management.
  • Restricted availability: Not all devices on the market may be accessible to the organization due to resource constraints, which could result in gaps in the coverage of devices for testing.
  • Time-Consuming: Testing on actual devices might take longer than testing on emulators or simulators because of things like device deployment, setup, and device-specific debugging problems.
  • Version control: It might be difficult to keep track of many operating systems and software versions on devices. Compatibility problems may arise from the need to ensure compatibility across various versions and setups, which can demand extra work.
  • Security problems: Data privacy, access control, and the possibility of sensitive information leakage are security problems raised by testing on actual devices, particularly those that are used by employees or that are accessed through cloud services.


Software that replicates the hardware and software of the intended device on the computer is known as an emulator. They accomplish this by employing binary translation to convert the instruction set architecture of the target device to that of the machine that is used to perform the tests.

Emulators are relatively similar to one another in one way or another, with the shared objective of establishing desktop virtual environments where testers can simply and flexibly conduct real-life test cases, assisting quality assurance teams in understanding how the application functions in various settings.

Advantages of Emulators

Emulators provide various benefits for software development and testing. They are stated as below:

  • Cost-effective: Compared to buying and maintaining a large variety of real devices, emulators are usually free or very inexpensive. Because of this, smaller teams or projects with tighter budgets can use them.
  • Accessibility and availability: Regardless of a team member’s actual location, emulators are easily distributed and widely available. Collaborative testing is facilitated by this accessibility.
  • Fast deployment: Compared to putting up physical devices, emulators may be swiftly set up and configured, enabling the deployment of test environments more quickly.
  • Controlled testing environment: Hardware configurations, software versions, and network circumstances can all be emulated and changed as needed in a controlled testing environment that is offered by emulators.
  • Automation: Because emulators enable the establishment of repeated test scenarios that can be completed without the need for human interaction, they integrate well with automated testing frameworks.

Disadvantages of Emulators

Despite their benefits, emulators have a few drawbacks that need to be taken into account. They are:

  • Performance variability: In terms of processor speed, memory management, and graphics rendering, emulators might not be able to faithfully simulate the performance characteristics of real devices. False positives or negatives in performance testing may result from this.
  • Limited accuracy: Emulators do not always behave exactly like genuine devices, especially when it comes to hardware-specific functions such as sensors, GPS, and cameras due to this test findings can be inaccurate.
  • Compatibility problems: Emulators may not fully support all of the features or Interfaces of the real devices they are meant to simulate. This might lead to compatibility issues that might not become evident until testing is conducted on the real hardware.
  • Network simulations: It is probable that the use of emulators to imitate authentic network configurations and situations, such as varying bandwidth, latency, and packet loss, could fail to accurately represent the challenges that the users might encounter in diverse network scenarios.
  • Limitations of security testing: Emulators might not completely develop security threats and vulnerabilities that might exist on real devices, which could lead to false security commitments.

Difference between real devices and emulators

Here are some comparisons between emulators and real devices in various important areas related to software development and testing:

  • Nature: Real devices are hardware, like smartphones, tablets, and Internet IoT devices whereas emulators are computer applications that simulate the behavior of real devices.
  • Cost: Real devices come with a wide range of devices that can be costly to buy and maintain however, emulators are software-based and do not require actual hardware, and are usually more affordable.
  • Accuracy: Real Devices accurately replicate real-world user environments, complete with hardware variables like screen sizes, resolutions, and processors, as well as variations in operating systems and device-specific software. However, there may be differences in testing results if emulators are unable to accurately mimic every hardware feature and behavior of real devices.
  • Accessibility: Emulators facilitate cooperative testing efforts since they are easily distributed among team members and available from several locations, but real devices for accessibility require physical distribution and access, which may be challenging for remote testing or distributed teams.
  • Compatibility testing: Emulators are helpful for preliminary cross-platform testing and compatibility tests, but they might not support all hardware features or Interfaces. Real devices, on the other hand, are essential for evaluating compatibility across various hardware configurations and software versions.

Leveraging cloud platform for testing mobile sites using real devices and emulators

Emulator and real device testing options are offered by a cloud-based platform for mobile website testing. One such cloud-based automation testing solution is LambdaTest, which gives users access to a range of actual devices, such as tablets and smartphones. Testers can choose specific devices based on factors such as operating system version, screen size, manufacturer, and so on. To more closely mimic real-world user situations and behaviors, testing the mobile site on real, physical devices is helpful. This aids in the identification of problems that might only arise with particular hardware setups or OS versions.

With over 3000 environments, real devices, and browser combinations, testers can conduct manual and automated tests at scale using LambdaTest, an AI-powered platform for test orchestration and execution. This platform allows the testing of mobile applications on a variety of real devices, operating systems, emulators, and simulators on an online device farm. Whether users use emulators and simulators or the real device cloud, testers can test and debug their applications much more quickly on LambdaTest.

LambdaTest can be seamlessly integrated with various automation testing frameworks like Appium and Selenium with the extended capability of Selenium mobile testing to test the mobile site properly. It is a versatile platform that accommodates both emulator and real device testing choices, enabling testers to select the method that best suits their project’s objectives and testing needs.

Learn about Latest Gadgets and Trends


Since mobile applications are so important to our daily lives, mobile testing is becoming more and more important. Selecting the appropriate tools is one technique to accomplish the specified objectives, even though a lot of testing is necessary using real devices and emulators. However, the best way to come up with a great testing solution that will save money, save time, and provide a higher return on investment is to combine these technologies.

In actuality, many teams choose a hybrid strategy, utilizing both emulators and real devices according to the particular testing requirements at various phases of the development lifecycle. This method efficiently meets project objectives, maximizes resource usage, and permits thorough test coverage.


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